Photo: Jarrett M. & Cat W.


We are committed to do all that we can to make our space welcoming and as safe as possible for our community. While much of the world has moved on, we are still immunocompromised and trying to recover our health. We invite you to share on our journey of protecting our elders and immunocompromised community by embracing our requirements to be in our wonderful space.


Aspire has Mask-Required & Mask-Optional days.

All clients & teachers are required to wear N95 masks on Mask-Required days. Current Mask Optional days are Monday, Wednesday & Friday, subject to change.

  • Clients & Teachers

    All clients & teachers are required to wear N95 masks at all times except for on Mask-Optional days.

    N95 Masks are gifted at the door. Please put on a new mask when arriving.

    Sanitize your hands at the door and before stepping onto the training floor. There is hand sanitizer in multiple places around the studio.

    Hands-on cueing may be limited when social distancing increases comfort level.

    Clients & teachers clean surfaces & props used after class.

  • Illness or Exposure

    If you are sick, symptomatic, or unwell, please stay home.

    If you have been exposed to someone who has Covid-19, please stay home.

    If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please stay out of the studio for ten days or until you have a negative PCR test.

    We are happy to work with you via Zoom if you are well enough to workout.

    If you need to late cancel due to exposure, you will not be charged for your session.

  • Studio

    We have multiple Aerus Pure air filters that run 24/7.

    A touchless water cooler is available. Please only use your cup once.

    Studio surfaces are sanitized regularly with EPA cleared disinfectants.

    Our teachers & staff sanitize hands regularly.